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- /* saveilbm.c 04/92 C. Scheppner CBM
- *
- * High-level ILBM save routines
- *
- * 37.10 07/92 - use scr->RastPort.BitMap instead of &scr->BitMap
- * for future compatibility
- * 39.5 11/92 - raised BODYBUF size from 4096 to 5004 (should allow saving
- * of bitmaps up to pixel width of 16384)
- */
- #define INTUI_V36_NAMES_ONLY
- #include "iffp/ilbm.h"
- #include "iffp/ilbmapp.h"
- extern struct Library *GfxBase;
- /* screensave.c
- *
- * Given an ILBMInfo with a currently available (not in use)
- * ParseInfo->iff IFFHandle, a screen pointer, filename, and
- * optional chunklist, will save screen as an ILBM
- * The struct Chunk *chunklist1 and 2 are for chunks you wish written
- * out other than BMHD, CMAP, and CAMG (they will be screened out
- * because they are computed and written separately).
- *
- * Note - screensave passes NULL for transparent color and mask
- *
- * Returns 0 for success or an IFFERR (libraries/iffparse.h)
- */
- LONG screensave(struct ILBMInfo *ilbm,
- struct Screen *scr,
- struct Chunk *chunklist1, struct Chunk *chunklist2,
- UBYTE *filename)
- {
- extern struct Library *GfxBase;
- Color32 *colortable32;
- UWORD *colortable, count;
- ULONG modeid;
- LONG error;
- int k;
- if(GfxBase->lib_Version >= 36)
- modeid=GetVPModeID(&scr->ViewPort);
- else
- modeid = scr->ViewPort.Modes & OLDCAMGMASK;
- count = scr->ViewPort.ColorMap->Count;
- error = IFFERR_NOMEM;
- if(GfxBase->lib_Version >= 39)
- {
- if(colortable32 = (Color32 *)AllocMem(sizeof(Color32) * count, MEMF_CLEAR))
- {
- GetRGB32(scr->ViewPort.ColorMap,0L,count,(ULONG *)colortable32);
- error = saveilbm(ilbm, scr->RastPort.BitMap, modeid,
- scr->Width, scr->Height, scr->Width, scr->Height,
- colortable32, count, 32,
- mskNone, 0,
- chunklist1, chunklist2, filename);
- FreeMem(colortable32,sizeof(Color32) * count);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(colortable = (UWORD *)AllocMem(count << 1, MEMF_CLEAR))
- {
- for(k=0; k<count; k++)
- colortable[k]=GetRGB4(scr->ViewPort.ColorMap,k);
- error = saveilbm(ilbm, scr->RastPort.BitMap, modeid,
- scr->Width, scr->Height, scr->Width, scr->Height,
- colortable, count, 4,
- mskNone, 0,
- chunklist1, chunklist2,filename);
- FreeMem(colortable,count << 1);
- }
- }
- return(error);
- }
- /* saveilbm
- *
- * Given an ILBMInfo with a currently available (not-in-use)
- * ParseInfo->iff IFFHandle, a BitMap ptr,
- * modeid, widths/heights, colortable, ncolors, bitspergun,
- * masking, transparent color, optional chunklists, and filename,
- * will save the bitmap as an ILBM.
- *
- * if bitspergun=4, colortable is words, each with nibbles 0RGB
- * if bitspergun=8, colortable is byte guns of RGBRGB etc. (like a CMAP)
- * if bitspergun=32, colortable is ULONG guns of RGBRGB etc.
- * Only the high eight bits of each gun will be written to CMAP.
- * Four bit guns n will be saved as nn
- *
- * The struct Chunk *chunklist is for chunks you wish written
- * other than BMHD, CMAP, and CAMG (they will be screened out)
- * because they are calculated and written separately
- *
- * Returns 0 for success, or an IFFERR
- */
- LONG saveilbm(struct ILBMInfo *ilbm,
- struct BitMap *bitmap, ULONG modeid,
- WORD width, WORD height, WORD pagewidth, WORD pageheight,
- APTR colortable, UWORD ncolors, UWORD bitspergun,
- WORD masking, WORD transparentColor,
- struct Chunk *chunklist1, struct Chunk *chunklist2,
- UBYTE *filename)
- {
- struct IFFHandle *iff;
- struct Chunk *chunk;
- ULONG chunkID;
- UBYTE *bodybuf;
- LONG size, error = 0L;
- #define BODYBUFSZ 5004
- iff = ilbm->ParseInfo.iff;
- if(!(modeid & 0xFFFF0000)) modeid &= OLDCAMGMASK;
- if(!(bodybuf = AllocMem(BODYBUFSZ,MEMF_PUBLIC)))
- {
- message(SI(MSG_IFFP_NOMEM));
- return(IFFERR_NOMEM);
- }
- if(!(error = openifile(&(ilbm->ParseInfo), filename, IFFF_WRITE)))
- {
- D(bug("Opened %s for write\n",filename));
- error = PushChunk(iff, ID_ILBM, ID_FORM, IFFSIZE_UNKNOWN);
- D(bug("After PushChunk FORM ILBM - error = %ld\n", error));
- initbmhd(&ilbm->Bmhd, bitmap, masking, cmpByteRun1, transparentColor,
- width, height, pagewidth, pageheight, modeid);
- D(bug("Error before putbmhd = %ld\n",error));
- CkErr(putbmhd(iff,&ilbm->Bmhd));
- if(colortable) CkErr(putcmap(iff,colortable,ncolors,bitspergun));
- if(ilbm->IFFPFlags & IFFPF_NOMONITOR) modeid &= (~MONITOR_ID_MASK);
- ilbm->camg = modeid;
- D(bug("before putcamg - error = %ld\n",error));
- CkErr(putcamg(iff,&modeid));
- D(bug("Past putBMHD, CMAP, CAMG - error = %ld\n",error));
- /* Write out chunklists 1 & 2 (if any), except for
- * any BMHD, CMAP, or CAMG (computed/written separately)
- */
- for(chunk = chunklist1; chunk; chunk = chunk->ch_Next)
- {
- D(bug("chunklist1 - have a %.4s\n",&chunk->ch_ID));
- chunkID = chunk->ch_ID;
- if((chunkID != ID_BMHD)&&(chunkID != ID_CMAP)&&(chunkID != ID_CAMG))
- {
- size = chunk->ch_Size==IFFSIZE_UNKNOWN ?
- strlen(chunk->ch_Data) : chunk->ch_Size;
- D(bug("Putting %.4s\n",&chunk->ch_ID));
- CkErr(PutCk(iff, chunkID, size, chunk->ch_Data));
- }
- }
- for(chunk = chunklist2; chunk; chunk = chunk->ch_Next)
- {
- chunkID = chunk->ch_ID;
- D(bug("chunklist2 - have a %.4s\n",&chunk->ch_ID));
- if((chunkID != ID_BMHD)&&(chunkID != ID_CMAP)&&(chunkID != ID_CAMG))
- {
- size = chunk->ch_Size==IFFSIZE_UNKNOWN ?
- strlen(chunk->ch_Data) : chunk->ch_Size;
- D(bug("Putting %.4s\n",&chunk->ch_ID));
- CkErr(PutCk(iff, chunkID, size, chunk->ch_Data));
- }
- }
- /* Write out the BODY
- */
- CkErr(putbody(iff, bitmap, NULL, &ilbm->Bmhd, bodybuf, BODYBUFSZ));
- D(bug("Past putbody - error = %ld\n",error));
- CkErr(PopChunk(iff)); /* close out the FORM */
- closeifile(&(ilbm->ParseInfo)); /* and the file */
- }
- FreeMem(bodybuf,BODYBUFSZ);
- return(error);
- }